Scott Bitterman
Head Coach & Owner
Scott Bitterman, Head Coach
Effects of Sport-Specific Plyometric Training for muay Thai Fighters.
Turning Injuries into Victories
I grew up traveling the U.S. playing baseball. I loved the sport. While driving home from practice on my first day of college I was rear-ended and broke my neck, herniated three discs, and sustained a shoulder injury which required surgery. During a long recovery I found great doctors and physical therapists who helped me get back into shape, though I was told I would not return to sports and the career in fitness and health that I envisioned. This got me interested in recovery so I oversaw exercise programs at a physical therapy office and later aided in spinal injections at Pain Management Center of Long Island while considering medical school. Ultimately, I decided to make my dreams a reality no matter what and pursued my first love, sports and health. I earned master’s degree in Physical Education and a CSCS credential and started training my first clients. Today... Today I’m an avid Surfer and Martial Artist among other physically demanding hobbies including a return to playing baseball. I developed an interest in performance sports and learned through experts and experience how to perform at my best, both physically and mentally. I’ve coached several sports teams, taught Physical Education, Martial Arts, and have trained athletes from high schoolers trying to make the cut, to the Division I teams at Fordham University. I bring together all of this experience and knowledge to help athletes perform at their full potential in the activities that they love. Articles written by Scott |